Here are the steps for individuals to purchase paid tickets, for your reference.
1. From your Admin page > Tickets/Forms, you can copy the ticket sales page URL to your clipboard.
2. Paste the copied URL into your browser to access the ticket sales page. (You can edit the text on this page from your settings in Basic Settings > Event Information.)
3. Select the number of tickets to purchase (only 1 can be purchased), and confirm the purchase.
4. If an individual has pre-registered for a session, select the session, enter your profile, and click the "Agree and Next" button to proceed.
5. Enter your payment information (Credit card number, expiration date, CVC).
*If the credit card number is wrong or other information is incomplete, an error message will be displayed at the top of the input field.
6. Depending on your credit card, you may see a 3D Secure Test Payment Page as shown below. In that case, follow the presented instructions and click 'Complete Authentication' to complete.
7. When the purchase is complete, you will be able to confirm your order number (You will also receive an email notification upon payment completion.)
8. After purchasing a ticket, you can login and access the event site.
<tips> A purchase confirmation email will be sent to the purchaser upon completion of the purchase. You can customize the body of the confirmation email if you wish to include cancellation policies or other information. (Admin Page > Email > Automated Emails) </tips>