When you register users (participants, companies, etc.) to EventHub with an Excel spreadsheet, you will need to collect the user's information in advance. This information is usually requested from users at the time of registration.
When registering for an event, users entrust the event organizer with their personal information and organizers cannot enter personal information into EventHub without permission. Due to this, it is imperative to obtain participants' consent before uploading any of their information onto EventHub through Excel or otherwise.
Obtaining user permission
Simply add a permission clause to the registration forms asking the participant whether they consent to having their information uploaded to EventHub for networking or matching.
Clause examples:
If using EventHub is required to join the event
I agree to the above information to be shared with <your company name>, EventHub, and other participants attending this event. I also agree to EventHub Terms of Use (https://eventhub.jp/terms-of-service/) and EventHub’s Privacy Policy (https://eventhub.jp/privacy/)
If using EventHub is optional for the event
I wish to join this event through EventHub. I agree to the above information being shared with <your company name>, EventHub, and other participants attending this event. I also agree to EventHub Terms of Use (https://eventhub.jp/terms-of-service/) and EventHub’s Privacy Policy (https://eventhub.jp/privacy/)
Ensure you cover the following three points:
・The information provided will be visible to other participants.
・The information provided will be passed on to EventHub.
・The user agrees to EventHub's Privacy Policy.
After signing up with EventHub, please enter this clause as soon as you can.